Thursday, September 25, 2008

letter to my younger self

Dear Leo

Hey buddy! I have not heard from you in ages, hope that you are getting yourself ready for university. This letter is just to share some tips on how to study and also remind you of the new environment that you are about to experience.

First year at University can be very exciting, there are a lot of things that are different from where you come from, the environment is new. You are your own boss; you don’t have to ask for anyone’s permission if you want to do something, you have total freedom. The main reason you are in this place is to get a degree and this should be your first priority in everything that you do. It’s not a crime to have fun every now and again and it helps to take the academic pressures off but you should give yourself a limit. Spend more time studying and less time having fun. Studying is very important because it is the only way that you can pass your subjects and finally get a degree. Nobody has ever thought that studying is fun; people think that studying is depressing but you have a very good reason to make it work. Do not force yourself into your books when you are tired, give yourself a good rest then go back to your books. Do not spend too much time trying to study because your brain can only stay focus for about 45 minutes; make sure that you take reasonable breaks in between when you are studying. As much as there is so much happening around you, stay focus and only give attention to things that really matter to you. Take it easy, this is University it is not difficult to pass but at the same time if you are not careful you may not stay long enough to finish your degree.

Your loving friend
Winile Buthelezi


K said...

Photo is an excellent touch. Keep up the work.

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