Saturday, October 4, 2008

A first year hero in the dark

Profile of Bryony Whitfield

As a first year student living in Canterbury Annex who despite resembling a lob sided chip monk and had contracted mumps, was in good spirits. Bryony has encountered what many have not. She has always had a desire to come to Rhodes as many people in her family came to this university and have had many happy stories to share. As a first year student her only regret is that she chose to study a B-Com but despite this she will continue her degree depending on her end of year results.

While hearing her “war stories” of “drinking guys under the table followed by hazardous stair diving at the rat and parrot,” I realise that her angelic dimples creasing into her cheeks as she giggles, can’t hide her experience in bonding with the dance floor until closing time at friars. In her opinion the best aspect of Rhodes is that Rhodes accepts and encourages diversity which allows her to behave in a way that befits her and not others.

As she describes a night which had the most profound effect on her, my admiration grows. In the early morning on New Street; on her way to friars, Bryony came across a group of four Rhodes students beating up a small street child of about thirteen. She had an impulse to take action while others walked on; her confrontation and the profanities which left her mouth were nothing short of fearsome. This was a dicey decision as the drunken boys were filled with adrenalin and raging aggression which could have provoked them to retaliate physically. But surprisingly their shock led them to apologise; but it wasn’t Bryony who they should have apologised to, as the street child was bleeding from the mouth and from both eyes and was lying motionless on the pavement.

According to the abusive boys the child had stolen their cell phone, when truthfully it had been the actions of the child’s friends who had retreated from the angry Rhodes boys. When facing this situation bryony insisted that she drive him to the Settlers government hospital, even though she didn’t have a driving licence. She waited in line with the child-who had a fractured jaw-for hours. The child and his friends admitted to their fear of walking home in the dark. She later braved driving into the township in the dark to ensure the child and his friends returned home safely.

She had assisted the child but was then left with blood on her hands, a month later she found herself at the hospital waiting for the results of her AIDS test. Bryony admitted that it was the single most terrifying experience of her life, as she prayed that her actions would not be rewarded with dire consequences. To her relief her test results were negative. The child still remains nameless and occasionally bryony sees those Rhodes students from afar. Her selfless act defined her as a person and made people realise that it’s possible to make a difference even after drinking a full bottle of concentrated cane.
One could describe her as a first year hero and survivor.


Unknown said...

kiff Orange make me sound like a bit of an alchi, but also a hero. Thanks :) xx

Jovy-Wovy said...

Dear Paddie

I really enjoyed reading your profile piece on Bryony. I feel that you made excellent use of narrative genres to create an article that is colourful, easy to read and most importantly flows. You used various narrative techniques to the fullest to create a strong and interesting piece.

Your profile flows like a narrative. You cleverly choose to focus on a dramatic anecdote that captures the type of person Bryony is. You make use of Todorov’s model of narrative in that there is a clear progression from a state of initial equilibrium to the reinstatement of a new equilibrium. You draw on Propp’s model to create a hero, villain and princess. And in doing this, adopt and highlight the role of binary opposition in the profile that was proposed by Levi-Strauss.

You have done a great job in capturing Bryony’s personality and have written it well.

Much Love


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